#662 von 0763ewopwd
Sa 19. Jul 2014, 11:05
New York City: Economic Refugee Camp
When the federal shutdown ends and monthly employment data is once again Beats By Dre Tour released, we will TF probably Sac lancel Roll'N Rock find Beats Graffiti Beats By Dre By Dr.Dre Wireless Sac lancel Daligramme that New York City��s unemployment rate is still high. What is interesting,, however, is why it Beats By Dre Solo HD Mini Beats By Dre Ibeats is so high. According to the MLB Beats By Dre survey of business establishments, the number of people working at payroll jobs in New York Beats By Dre Mini Studio Beats By Dre Studio 2013 City (including those Diddy Beats By Dre who commute in) is the highest it has ever been. And according Sac lancel Coup adidas Copa D'éclat to TF Mademoiselle Adjani data based Ferrari Beats By Dre on the Sac lancel Zéphir survey of households, the number of city residents who were employed in June Power Beats By Dre 2013 was only slightly below the pre-recession level Spiderman Beats By Dre of June 2007,, while for the U.S. as a TF whole the Orange Beats By Dre number employed was 1.8 million lower. New York City��s unemployment rate is high because the Nike Soccer Boots city��s labor force,, including those looking for work but not employed, has soared. In Pink Beats By Dre a country that is suffering leopard Beats By Dre a far greater economic Superman Beats By Dre decline than Lebron James Beats By Dre New York City,, the Sac lancel Paris Line city has become an economic refugee camp with young adidas Nitrocharge Green Beats Lamborghini Beats By Dre By Dre workers trying to find some economic hope.
But they aren��t earning NBA Beats By Dre so purple Beats By Dre much. Before shutting down, the U.S. Census Bureau released American Community Survey data for 2012. The data showed Kobe Bryant Beats By Lady Gaga Heartbeats Dre that New York City��s Beats By Dre NFL median household income fell 5.5% from 2008 to 2012 when adjusted for Nike Mercurial Vapor TF inflation. The median work earnings per household fell 6.9%,, and since full-time full-year Nike Mercurial Vapor AG workers showed Sac Beats By Dre Studio lancel Easy Flirt some Beats By Dre Solo HD modest gains in L'Angèle earnings,, the share of workers able to Adidas Soccer Boots maintain adidas 11Pro that status must have fallen significantly. Moreover, inflation adjusted mean household income, affected to a greater extent by earnings of the rich,, fell 7.7% from 2008 to 2012, showing that even the one percent have not been spared. This is the case nationally as well,, according to data cited by this article. Some spreadsheets and additional commentary may be found here on ��Saying the Unsaid in New York.��
#716 von Thomaska
Di 5. Aug 2014, 09:35
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