,There is usually a really strong relationship between the family members in Turkish families so if this gentlemen would want to introduce you to his family, there is nothing to worry about. Most of the Turkish families are very warm and welcoming. It is an important fact that Turkish men love eating, especially Turkish food.,
Last Christmas, I gave one of my husband's nieces a button with a pictogram for "clothes horse." (There was a picture of a horse with the word "clothes" above it.") I had to explain it to her, because she had never heard the expression, but then she's only 13. However, only one other person in the room, besides my husband, knew what it meant. And there were probably 15 adults and teenagers there..,
Which reminds me, fairness creams being big business here, all the phoren cosmetic companies are in the race for the huge market. East meets West, tradition meets modernity. Shah Rukh Khan, who started off being brown skinned, is fair and lovely now, no doubt from using the men's fairness cream that he endorses..,Statistik: Verfasst von Gregorykr — Do 23. Okt 2014, 23:14